Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Wake up Washington!

I can't say it much better than former Secretary of Labor, Robert Reich, says it in this Huffington Post article sent to me this afternoon. Read it if you are interested in the hard reality of the job market and what it would mean to the economy and mindset of America if things don't improve soon.

People, including those in public office, need to stop focusing on the unemployment numbers. They aren't an accurate picture of how bad things are or will potentially become. Not even close. They don't account for those who have given up on trying to find work or who are profoundly underemployed. Then there are people so worried about losing their jobs that they aren't spending any money, therefore the economy continues drag, products sit on shelves and businesses don't expand or hire. Furthermore, the deficit isn't going to be reduced while people aren't paying income taxes.

Everything economic starts with jobs. President Obama and the Congress need to act accordingly. There needs to be a far greater sense of urgency in Washington. It's nice to have a president who can multi-task, but Obama must prioritize and stop talking about what he inherited from the previous administration. We elected him and others to fix things. Now fix them!

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