Friday, January 29, 2010

Gates putting his wealth to work

Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft, announced that he will donate $10 billion for the development of vaccines and their distribution in developing nations. It is the largest donation to date by his private charitable foundation. Gates is seemingly on a mission to give away all of his money to worthwhile causes. It's something that he's been doing for several years.

"Vaccines already save and improve millions of lives in developing countries," said Gates in a statement. "Innovation will make it possible to save more children than ever before."

Gates and his wife, Melinda, hope to provide vaccines for malaria and tuberculosis, ailments that have been mostly eradicated in America but still plague poorer countries.

These are folks with the resources to change the planet in significant ways. In a dog-eat-dog age of corporate greed and individual entitlement, they are a shining light.

There is still plenty of need for others to give back, too. There is no shortage of good causes. Even Bill Gates doesn't have enough money to solve all that is wrong with the earth and its inhabitants. But it is refreshing to see someone from the upper-corporate ranks doing so much good for virtually no personal gain or glory.

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