Thursday, September 8, 2011

Just the facts, please

I watched the Republican debate last night. As painful as it is to listen to folks who I fundamentally disagree with, I always find it valuable to examine what the other side is saying just to make sure my perceptions aren't being tainted by the commentators who I tend to be more aligned with. This is why I occasionally tune into Fox News.

I had to laugh at how many times the candidates said they would do this or that on their "first day" in the White House. Those are just blatant lies that anyone with a middle school education would know aren't true or even possible. Newly elected presidents get sworn in and go dancing on their first day. That's it. They don't sign off on legislation. With the way our government works, they don't even have the power to do what they say they would do on day one or day 300.

Here are some other statements that the Republican candidates made last night that are distortions of the truth or totally fabricated lies.

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