Sunday, March 21, 2010

Movie touches a nerve or two

I saw "Up in the Air" this weekend. Perhaps not the wisest choice in a DVD rental, particularly a few days after I read that a certain executive at my former company received a million-dollar bonus for essentially laying off thousands of folks like me. Combined with a series of setbacks in my job search in recent weeks, and the harsh reality of how hard it is to find work at 52, the film didn't do a lot to improve my spirits.

So if you are jobless, or fear losing your job, I wouldn't recommend this movie. I appreciate Hollywood making a film that deals with real issues like aging, career and unemployment, but the people who really need to see it the most probably wouldn't fully comprehend the film. The basic plot is simple and the movie can be enjoyed on a couple different levels. But the subplots and messages are a bit meatier and, sadly, speak more to those of us on the outside looking in.

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