Friday, May 28, 2010

We've got problems. Big problems. Individually and as a country. We are divided and seemingly incapable of coming together as one to rally around any worthy cause. But no amount of current suffering or separation can compare to what members of the military experienced during times of war -- particularly World War II -- where soldiers lived in mud for months with little food or water, walked into enemy fire and sustained injuries too horrible to detail. They fought in far away places, across both oceans, without the benefit of modern communications devices to tie them to their loved ones back home. They died in numbers that I doubt we could tolerate now.

I am not sure how Memorial Day weekend turned into party time, but we shouldn't entirely lose focus of the real meaning of the holiday and why we're free to head to the beach or break out the keg.

This blog often comments on some difficult challenges that we face, but for the next three days I am going to give it a rest and allow myself to let go of my own hardships and the worries that I have for society as a whole. This is a good weekend to remember there are even worse things in life than oil spills, partisan politics and unemployment. It's a time to take a few minutes to be thankful for those who suffered and sacrificed in ways that are unimaginable to most of us.

1 comment:

  1. My father was a WWII vet and fought in the Pacific, so I also try to remember the reason behind the day off.

    Enjoy the downtime.
