I saw an interesting documentary last night that predicted where human beings might be in 100 years. The scientists and educators on the show talked about global climate change, pandemics, population explosions and dwindling natural resources. Essentially, the experts who were interviewed laid out a scenario that we may be entering the beginning of the end for human beings unless we turn things around in the next decade or two. Extinction may not come from nuclear war. It might come from our common behaviors and failing to connect the dots.
At the end of the two-hour program, the narrator spoke of the growing unemployment problem and how it actually ties into larger global issues outlined during the show. For instance, it has been proven that women with lower or no income tend to have more children. That in turn leads to more poverty and a larger draw on resources. Humans must start thinking more about population control.
When economies collapse there is no investment made in science, conservation, infrastructure, medicine, etc., because there are no tax dollars to pay for it. Everything, including the planet as a whole, tends to deteriorate. Diseases form and spread. Species vital to the ecological balance become extinct. Crucial "greener" technologies are not developed. Education falls by the wayside. Crime and illegal immigration increases as people fight to survive. Systems get overloaded. Many experts believe the next big world war will be sparked by the need for clean water.
We have to be caretakers of our lands and oceans. We can't simply become greedy, starving nomads, taking more and more without thought or concern for the next generation. We need to be productive and not destructive. We need to be innovators of something other than iPods and 3D movies.
Part of being productive individuals involves employment. Whether being paid for researching a method to fight off the next deadly virus or cleaning our streets to keep them safe to navigate, we need to fully understand that employment is vital to everything and that every job has value.
Without tax dollars from me in this year of my unemployment, the state of Virginia is that much less equipped to pay a state college professor's salary or to hire a park ranger. That professor might have been the person who teaches a student who goes on to cure cancer one day. That park ranger might prevent poachers from creating havoc in a sensitive ecosystem that in turn harms humans in ways we can't even imagine.
The connection between unemployment and global disasters isn't an obvious one at first. We tend to think of unemployment as an individual or personal hardship. But as you begin to realize how closely the dominoes are aligned, you can clearly see why solving the unemployment problem is of the utmost importance in maintaining everything including our freedom as a nation.
There will always be terrorism, health care and other important issues to deal with. But Washington and business people need to understand that rising unemployment is far more dangerous and prevalent than young men with exploding underwear on airplanes. According to some experts, prolonged double-digit unemployment will lead to new "dark ages." At that point, air-travel safety won't be an issue.
In my own Sterling, Va., neighborhood, burglaries are on the rise. I don't think it's a coincidence. I recently heard of a man stealing meat from a nearby grocery store in a fairly affluent suburb. Another sign of troubling times. Job loss leads to desperation. Desperation leads to big problems for society and the planet. Joblessness robs us of hope, order, innovation and a maybe a future on Earth. Joblessness destroys the collective good of mankind and our ability to grow as a culture. When everyone is engaged and contributing, we and the planet are better off. Crime goes down. Ideas are born. A sense of awareness and learning are heightened.
Unemployment isn't just a financial hardship. There is more to life than work, but without employment governments fall and spirits die. Because we are at the crossroads with many other global issues, it's more important than ever to fix the economy and get people back to work so that we can address the other problems we face.
Enjoy reading your posts.
ReplyDeleteI have another theory, and you may not like it.
The system stinks...People are takers, and want an easy way out.
There is no easy way.
Sometimes we have to take many steps back in life to get ahead again.
No one wants to do this. It's a greedy & lazy society, and yes we will fail because of that. Rome did too.
There are jobs out there, but people don't want them. They feel that they are "above" them. They would rather take "unemployment," than do something else that may pay less than what they did before.
If people are down, they want to pull the rest of us down to.
There are so many jobs available where I live, but as I've heard many, many times. I.e., 'I'm getting $400.00 a week on unemployment, if I can't make $500.00 a week, I'd rather stay on unemployment.
That's the problem, and that will be our demise.
People think too highly of themselves.
Nothing's going to ever change until we all get off our high horses.
It's a sad fact about people. I'm sorry to be such a realist.
Thanks for your comment. Truly appreciated. Here's one more alternative way of looking at it. When we work, we pay into the unemployment system. If someone making $100,000 a year, with two kids in college, medical bills and living in a high-cost-of-living area loses his or her job, they do need the time to try and find another job that will pay a liveable wage. Maybe it won't pay $100,000, but they can't accept a $15,000 job right off the bat. So the unemployment payments allow them the time to find viable employment so that they don't have to pull their kids out of college, get sicker because they can't pay for their medicine and move to a one-dog town where they will pitch a tent and never even get a sniff at rebuilding their career/lives. I am just saying that yes, there are service industry jobs and parttime positions to be had. But are those really feasible for everyone in every situation? Some might feel those jobs are beneath them when in fact they aren't, but others built careers, invested college, went through hell to build up a life that they have a right to try to rebuild (while on unemployment) without taking the first job that comes along that might get them off unemployment, but will surely lead to other hardships. If they have the time, while on unemployment(which they earned), I would give people a chance to succeed. Granted, some people abuse the system, but we're living in a time now where even previously hard-working folks are getting screwed. These aren't arrogant people. They are people who took the right path in life, worked their way up, didn't take shortcuts or, but through no fault of their own watched everything crumble around them. I never felt entitled to a job or career in my life. I felt I had to earn it. And did. They do feel they've paid their dues and have earned a shot at rebuilding. They aren't the people comfortable with taking handouts but do so in order to reconstruct what the politicians, bankers and corporate leaders tore down. They just want a fair chance and don't want to be discriminated against because of age or experience or whatever. These are the folks who are the backbone of America. And if they don't get back to work soon, we won't have a middle class in this country. The playing field became very uneven. The rich got richer while the working class got destroyed. That needs to be fixed.
ReplyDeleteAgree with you almost 100%.
ReplyDeleteI hear everything you're saying.
Sorry, I thought you made a generic statement, and I replied generically as well. I did not mean to sound insensitive. I am not.
I wasn't referring to your situation, or to others in similar circumstances. It can happen to any of us at any time. No one is immune. Life is very fragile.
Unfortunately there are so many people who CAN work & who are taking advantage of the "system" by remaining on unemployment.
They will bleed us dry. Foreigners have taken up most of these jobs, because they are willing to work hard.
We've all seen the Union Construction & Highway Crews while on the the road, with their big bellies looking on while one guy works.
It's absurd!
I think they should wear T-shirts with "Made in the USA" written across their bellies.
Tax dollars!!!!
You don't see fat foreigners because they work too hard!
How about all the people that had to own a home, and could not afford that either. They bled the system.
Not everyone can be a Rockerfeller.
I like the class system, it works. I like the so called uneven playing field, it should be like that. Not everyone can play for the Yankee's.
Rich people hire poor people, Wall Street encourages corporate growth, corporations hire people, etc. Who cares if someone makes so much money. That's their problem. If they make it, they spend it. It feeds the economy, and the circle continues.
On the opposite end of the spectrum, you haven't stopped working...
Your blogs are great, and it shows your true passion to continue your work. I'm impressed by that.