Wednesday, January 27, 2010

McDonnell plays it moderately right

Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell, sworn in less than two weeks ago, gave the GOP response speech to President Obama's State of the Union address tonight. It's a tough gig and others have gone down in flames trying to provide a substantive opposing view. However, McDonnell's performance, while predictable, wasn't offensive or clumsy. He seemed moderate in his opinions and likable in his demeanor. Like during his campaign, he led his speech off by talking about jobs. A wise strategy that undoubtedly got him elected last November. However, McDonnell didn't reveal a lot of new ideas or details about how he plans to create those jobs.

At times McDonnell seems to be too packaged, but it looks like he might be on the fast track to national politics. He may even have a shot at the presidency if he gets people back to work in Virginia and reduces the state deficit.

As for Obama's address, the president continues to be a master of public speaking. Even when I disagree with Obama, I find him easy to listen to and think his heart is generally in the right place. I was glad to hear him place the focus for 2010 on jobs -- meaningful jobs, as he stated. However, I still can't help wonder why it took Obama a year to become more engaged in the quest to get people back to work or why he continues to take on a campaign-like tone of blaming the previous administration for much of what ails us. He's a smart guy. We elected him to do a job. It's time to stop the George Bush bashing and get on with the business of leading the country out of this economic mess.

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