Thursday, July 25, 2013
Laws should be enforced or purged
When was the last time you heard of someone getting pulled over by the police for illegally texting or talking on their smartphone while driving?
Have you ever heard of a telemarketer being fined for calling a phone number that is listed on the "Do-Not-Call" registry?
What about employment laws? Does anyone know of a single instance where an business was fined by the government for age discrimination?
None of these laws have enough teeth in them. They are violated thousands of times a day, right out in the open, and yet there is no enforcement anywhere to be seen.
All of these laws were created because there is a need for them. The acts are not frivolous or rare. Texting while driving kills innocent people. Laying off an employee or not interviewing a job candidate based on age destroys lives and impacts the economy.
So the question is, why aren't laws enforced? Do we not have enough resources to police these things? Does big business have the lobbying power to prevent enforcement of these laws? Or were the laws simply created to appease the public, with no real intention of following through on them? Maybe it's all of the above.
I suspect we have too many useless laws in this country, which in turn causes many worthwhile laws to be ignored by various agencies and courts. Until we clear out all the antiquated laws, I doubt we'll see much enforcement of newer, more relevant laws.
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Pixels are the fountain of youth
Meet the "pixel painter." He was 97 years old at the time this video was made. While the story of this artist is inspiring for all the obvious reasons, I have to admit that I am also moved by his use of technology.
Hal Lasko uses technology the way I think it should be used, to improve his life, not to place further burdens on himself.
Too often, we want the latest-and-greatness gadget or software, thinking it will somehow make us happier or inspire us to do great things. Most of the time, we end up in such a love-hate (mostly hate) relationship with new technology that we forget why we acquired it in the first place.
Mr. Lasko uses Microsoft Paint -- software so old and clumsy by today's standards that it's probably unthinkable to the boys over at Pixar or Apple. Microsoft Paint is what a Polaroid film camera is to photography these days.
Because of a sight problem, Mr. Lasko uses a technology, not a paint brush and canvas, to express his creative passion. The quest for newer, better, faster software isn't his concern. He uses what works for him. It allows him to focus on the art, not on the technology. There are no manuals to read. No steep learning curves to distract. Just pixels.
There is a simplicity to his approach. An elegance, if you will. Mr. Lasko doesn't want to learn Adobe Photoshop, Flash or Illustrator. He doesn't need the fancy filters and other features of high-end graphics applications. His art isn't about the technology, it's about the joy and purity of each dot.
I believe pursuing creative passions in the simplest ways possible, without over abundance or complication, is one of the secrets to a long life. If you can share those creative endeavors and enthusiasm with others, all the better.
Thursday, April 18, 2013
A new kind of grandpa
I became a grandfather for the first time about two weeks ago. It's taken about that long for it to actually sink in.
While I have not had any startling revelations about my new status, it is somewhat of a unique feeling that I didn't have when I became a father 29 years ago. Back then, there was just utter panic at the beginning of a new and long journey. While much of life was in front of me, I had no roadmap for being a parent. Now I am more aware of all the mile-markers behind me and am fairly mellow about it. No panic, no fear. Just acceptance of a new role.
My daughter gave birth to an 8-pound, 14-ounce healthy boy who is named Jack. I presume at some point Jack will recognize me and perhaps want me to play catch with him, but until then, I am probably just a another mysterious character who shows up in his field of vision every now and then.
Everyone feels somewhat differently about what it means to be a grandparent. To me, a grandfather was a little Italian man in his late 50s with white hair and interesting stories about the farm his immigrant father once owned in New Jersey. His pants were baggy and had lots of change in the deep pockets. He was at the tail end of a career as a photographer at the New York Post when I was still a young kid. He retired by the time I was a teen-ager and died about 10 years later. Retirement did not suit him well.
Grandpa was also that weird old dude on The Munsters sitcom. He lived amongst three generations of ghouls, but was the craziest in a haunted household full of crazies. There were countless other television shows in the 60s and 70s that stereotyped grandparents in unflattering ways. Some grandparents amused us. Some were just there, like paint on a wall.
Despite some of the age-releted kidding I've received in the last 10 days, the perception of grandparents has changed over the years, mostly for the better. Nowadays, grandparents are active and vital members of society. Many still have a lot of productive working years left. Some run marathons or coach NFL teams. Others look like models or are CEOs. To be a grandparent today does not necessarily mean you're on the waiting list at the old folks home.
No matter how much some segments of society want to put labels on older people, or restrict them from landing good jobs in their 50s, 60s and even 70s, grandparents march on.
We are Baby Boomer grandparents living and competing in a very different world than Grandpa Munster lived in. We don't need to be slightly batty or a burden to anyone. We have much to offer our colleagues, friends, children and grandchildren. We produced some of the best music, art and began the technical revolution. We aren't going away or becoming any less relevant anytime soon.
If I live long enough for all my hair to turn snowy white, and to tell tales of my days as a newspaperman to Jack, I will cherish those times.
Until then, no more grandpa jokes, please.
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Rocky reminders from space
Last week, two space rocks came whizzing by our world.
The smaller of the two actually busted through the atmosphere and landed in Russia, causing a lot of windows to break from the sonic boom. Some people were injured, but many more were simply stunned by the sight of the fireball in the sky.
Fortunately, the larger rock, a full-blown asteroid, didn't get any closer than 17,000 miles from Earth. As we all heard, however, that is relatively close in space terms. If the asteroid would have crashed into the planet, there would have been regional devastation and many fatalities. So we definitely dodged a bullet.
We are told by astronomers that these fly-bys were not related. It was purely coincidence that the events happened within 24 hours of each other. Scientifically speaking, I am sure the experts are correct. However, it still seems odd to me that these episodes were totally random and without any meaning.
While we scurry around on the planet, thinking we're the masters of our own destiny, obsessing about silly things that we place life-and-death importance on, there are millions of objects moving around the solar system that could take us out in the time it takes Marco Rubio to sip water from a bottle while on camera.
It seems to me that the gods are often trying to warn us not to get too distracted or imprisoned by our selfish and shallow desires.
Why would they do this?
Well, maybe it's for the same reason a parent guides a child away from the edge of a busy street. Maybe the gods want us to develop our potential, to live long enough to fulfill our promise, and to avoid the dangers of losing focus. The cosmic reminders could be a tug on the back of our shirts telling us to be careful not to mindlessly roam too far from the sidewalk and to pay attention to what lies ahead.
It's my hope that these space rocks will help human beings understand that we have a planet to protect. It's a job that can't be done by one political party or a single country. It's a job that requires an awareness of our surroundings and a global education system that will provide us solutions to our biggest threats.
If we're going to deflect asteroids and cure cancer and feed the hungry, we must evolve intellectually and spiritually. We must gain a greater perspective.
If we continue on the path we're on, where some studies suggest that we are actually becoming dumber as a species, then the next space rock, virus or other calamity to hit Earth might be the one that ends our existence.
It is essential to our survival and growth that we move forward individually and collectively without losing focus or doing further damage to ourselves or other living things. The fiery space rocks are not just a here-today-forgotten-tomorrow story for the evening news or something to watch on YouTube when bored at work.
They are reminders that we are all in this together.
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Leaving your footprints in the digital age
I am mildly amazed that some people still don't have much of an online presence. In this day and age, not having a digital footprint seems almost impossible. Yet, I can Google any number of folks who I have known over the years and find virtually nothing about them in cyberspace. No Facebook account. No LinkedIn profile photo. No blog or corporate website information about the person. Not even an old garage band photo. Nothing.
How do people avoid being found online?
Nowadays, if you get a speeding ticket or get married, you could easily show up in a newspaper's digital police blotter or wedding announcements respectively, and thereby be found in an online search. Join the board of your HOA, and you will likely be found online. Or, if you win an award from your alma mater or your civic club, you could be named on an achievements web page or two, and again, be discovered by an old friend, colleague or classmate. It's not difficult. You can be almost completely passive and without any technical skills, an ultra-introvert, and still show up on the Internet. Yet, some people remain ghosts.
In theory, any of these possibilities, and many more, should lead to you being found in a casual Google or Bing search. In essence, unless you've been completely off the grid for the last 20 years and without any friends or associations, there should be some electronic record of your existence, even if it's just a mugshot from your high school yearbook.
Now I know certain people avoid computers like the plague. Not to stereotype, but most of them tend to be over a certain age. Others use computers for work but stay away from social media. Some go to extremes and make sure not to be in the group picture at the end of softball season, fearing it could end up on the the team or league's website. Many folks just want to protect their privacy and won't even shop online. I understand all of that. But still, it's a mystery to me how someone can have no online exposure.
Not having an Web presence probably has its benefits. You don't have to worry so much about identity theft. You can sleep easy knowing no one has hacked your Twitter account or used your photo to play a prank on a friend. You won't get stalked by a Craigslist crazy.
But there is a growing drawback to not leaving any 'Net footprints. Besides not being found by your long-lost love, you may also be sending the wrong message to a potential employer. Companies nowadays want you to feel comfortable with technology. While they might still be tempted to snoop around into parts of your life that could hurt your chances at landing a good job, you're more likely not to be hired because you've shown a reluctance to keep pace with modern ways of communicating. That, in the eyes of some employers, is a liability and evidence that you are adverse to change. In some cases, employers might even think you have something to hide.
So if you're not in a profession that requires a basic digital interaction then I wouldn't sweat it when typing your name into a search box yields zero results. But if you are looking for work that requires a grasp of the way businesses connect, market and sell in the digital age, I would advise that you make sure your name comes up in Google search more than once, preferably in a positive light. I know a lot of this stuff like Facebook and blogging seems like a waste of time, but to be totally invisible can be a detriment.
Monday, February 11, 2013
Life expectancy and the merits of retiring on your own terms
Woke up to the big news today. A pope is calling it quits for the first time in 600 years. While this is of religious significance in the Catholic community, reading the announcement raises some secular thoughts about aging and vocation.
Lately, I've been wondering about the following questions:
- How old is too old to work in a responsible, full-time job?
- Who should decide when a person retires?
- While we are living longer, does that necessarily mean we should be working longer?
The pope is 85, which is 30 years older than me. I'm pretty tired after a long day in the office, so I can imagine how the pope must feel after a grueling day in Vatican City. However, the pope has a lot of support. Probably has a staff that rivals most presidents. Most likely has a team of chefs and eats healthy -- i.e., not grabbing a burger on a shortened lunch hour while rushing off to another meeting. I am also guessing that most popes are more delegators than micro-managers, particularly in their latter years. Yes, there's some business travel involved, which can be exhausting at any age, but the pope must be crossing oceans in relative style and comfort.
Still, Pope Benedict XVI decided enough is enough today. I applaud him for that. Breaking 600-year-old traditions can't be easy. He came to the conclusion that he wasn't up for the job, and rather than continue on out of pride or to pad his 401k, he did the right thing for himself and for the church. He did what we all want to do, which is to decide for ourselves when our working days are over. For some that might be at age 55, for others it can be 85. But regardless of age, we have to be honest with ourselves in evaluating our skills and energy level, and know when to step aside.
This brings me to my next point.
I do not believe that just because Americans are living longer, that means we should delay retirement benefits to the elderly. I do not support raising the age for receiving Social Security or Medicare.
I do not believe that just because Americans are living longer, that means we should delay retirement benefits to the elderly. I do not support raising the age for receiving Social Security or Medicare.
Just because we might physically still be breathing in our 70s and 80s, does not necessarily mean we are fit to work. The pope quit because of his failing "mind and body." Average Americans should be able to do the same without being denied the benefits they are owed. But more importantly, they should be able to retire before their minds and bodies collapse.
Raising the Social Security age would mean many people with significant ailments and limitations would still be waiting tables and putting up drywall because they can't afford to retire at reasonable age.
Additionally, how many companies do you know that would allow 70- and 80-year-olds to remain on the payroll? Yes, I know there are age-discrimination laws in this country, but for the most part, they aren't enforced. In fact, they are a joke. Just ask anyone over 50 years old who has been looking for a job in the last few years. If you can't find work at 50, how do you think the job search will go at 70? Do policy makers in Washington ever think about this stuff before proclaiming everyone should work into their 70s? Do they think that it is just magically going to happen, and that all seniors will be welcomed with open arms by employers?
Raising the Social Security age would mean many people with significant ailments and limitations would still be waiting tables and putting up drywall because they can't afford to retire at reasonable age.
Additionally, how many companies do you know that would allow 70- and 80-year-olds to remain on the payroll? Yes, I know there are age-discrimination laws in this country, but for the most part, they aren't enforced. In fact, they are a joke. Just ask anyone over 50 years old who has been looking for a job in the last few years. If you can't find work at 50, how do you think the job search will go at 70? Do policy makers in Washington ever think about this stuff before proclaiming everyone should work into their 70s? Do they think that it is just magically going to happen, and that all seniors will be welcomed with open arms by employers?
I've seen people burned out at 40 and I've also seen people going strong on the job well into their 60s. I had a grandfather who would have never retired if he wasn't forced to by his employer. He was one of those guys who probably wanted to die on the job. I, on the other hand, am more like the pope. I think I will know when the time is right to get out of the rat race. I'm not saying I will make it to 85, but I won't hesitate to let go when I no longer feel capable or relevant in the workplace.
Of course, unlike the pope, I will have to consider whether I can afford to retire, which is a whole other issue.
Our society has allowed early retirement for cops and firefighters and certain government workers for decades, mainly because of the stress associated with those jobs. Yet, most professions have no early escape from the pressure cooker of a high-rise or coal mine. Is a big city bus driver any less stressed than a cop on patrol in a cushy suburb with little crime? Why do we make these distinctions and judgments when each job and how individuals cope with work varies so much? Cops are vulnerable to stress related illnesses but accountants aren't? I don't think you can paint occupations with that broad of a brush. I think everyone deals with stress in a different manner, and therefore, work pressures have more to do with the person than the profession.
Imagine working on a farm since you were able to walk. Perhaps by the time you hit 60, you've already put in 50 years of 14-hour work days. You're not officially disabled, but your body hurts from thousands of days of hard labor. Your mind worries about drought and market prices every year. You think you might have earned the right to sell the farm and to kick back in a mobile home park somewhere in Florida for the remaining 10 or 20 years of your life? I think so. But apparently some people in our government would label you a "taker" and imply that you are lazy. These politicians, many making over a million dollars a year and can retire whenever they want because they aren't relying on a Social Security check, will tell you that you have to keep working on that farm. They'll deny you your lousy $1,200 a month in Social Security because they say the government can't afford to pay you that amount for too long. So, the later you retire, the closer you are to death. They steal from the people who could most benefit from that $1,200 a month, yet refuse to mean test people who are super wealthy and don't need to collect Social Security in order to retire.
Frankly, I want to be somewhat functional when I retire. The longer I wait, the more likely I won't be. Oh, doctors might keep me alive, but what good is retirement when you are spending it in a wheel chair or attached to a breathing machine? Life expectancy has risen, but what about quality of life? Has that proportionately gone up? I doubt it. We're a culture kept alive by pills.
If you want to keep working into your golden years, you should be able to do that as long as you are capable. Some folks need the sense of purpose that being employed can provide. Some don't or can get that same feeling dangling a fishing pole over the waters of a calm river. But you have to be healthy enough to get in the boat, so you better not delay retirement for too long.
No telling what the pope will do in retirement. How bad his health is remains to be seen. He has exceeded the life expectancy of men in most countries. He's able to walk away and not die on the job. We should all have that choice and not be impeded by a government that seems to want us to work until we drop.
Of course, unlike the pope, I will have to consider whether I can afford to retire, which is a whole other issue.
Our society has allowed early retirement for cops and firefighters and certain government workers for decades, mainly because of the stress associated with those jobs. Yet, most professions have no early escape from the pressure cooker of a high-rise or coal mine. Is a big city bus driver any less stressed than a cop on patrol in a cushy suburb with little crime? Why do we make these distinctions and judgments when each job and how individuals cope with work varies so much? Cops are vulnerable to stress related illnesses but accountants aren't? I don't think you can paint occupations with that broad of a brush. I think everyone deals with stress in a different manner, and therefore, work pressures have more to do with the person than the profession.
Imagine working on a farm since you were able to walk. Perhaps by the time you hit 60, you've already put in 50 years of 14-hour work days. You're not officially disabled, but your body hurts from thousands of days of hard labor. Your mind worries about drought and market prices every year. You think you might have earned the right to sell the farm and to kick back in a mobile home park somewhere in Florida for the remaining 10 or 20 years of your life? I think so. But apparently some people in our government would label you a "taker" and imply that you are lazy. These politicians, many making over a million dollars a year and can retire whenever they want because they aren't relying on a Social Security check, will tell you that you have to keep working on that farm. They'll deny you your lousy $1,200 a month in Social Security because they say the government can't afford to pay you that amount for too long. So, the later you retire, the closer you are to death. They steal from the people who could most benefit from that $1,200 a month, yet refuse to mean test people who are super wealthy and don't need to collect Social Security in order to retire.
Frankly, I want to be somewhat functional when I retire. The longer I wait, the more likely I won't be. Oh, doctors might keep me alive, but what good is retirement when you are spending it in a wheel chair or attached to a breathing machine? Life expectancy has risen, but what about quality of life? Has that proportionately gone up? I doubt it. We're a culture kept alive by pills.
If you want to keep working into your golden years, you should be able to do that as long as you are capable. Some folks need the sense of purpose that being employed can provide. Some don't or can get that same feeling dangling a fishing pole over the waters of a calm river. But you have to be healthy enough to get in the boat, so you better not delay retirement for too long.
No telling what the pope will do in retirement. How bad his health is remains to be seen. He has exceeded the life expectancy of men in most countries. He's able to walk away and not die on the job. We should all have that choice and not be impeded by a government that seems to want us to work until we drop.
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